Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Danica PreVis 03-01-11

Bleh...any suggestions? Is this a concise storyline (besides the city running shot where people obviously need to be animated)?

tea of DOOM!

sup guys!

so i changed a couple of shots. and i'll be changing more of it. its not really interpreting as well in 3d as i had imagined lol. 

idk do you guys have any thoughts/opinions/ideas? 

..it'd be cool if you did =]

previs draft v03 from Ms.Miyavi on Vimeo.

Chris DeVito Previs

Comments Please!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Yu Hai's Previz

Untitled from Yu Hai Shen on Vimeo.

Thesis 2nd Round

Everything past the main character leaving the crash site i'll be changing. I was thinking of having him struggle on that same spot by having more little "maggots"(might update the monster in the future, a placeholder in the mean time.) come after him as he defends himself in what little cover he has.

it's "back to the the drawing board" for me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hey Peeps

This blog was created in an effort to create an online forum where us SVA students can discuss and critique work and animatics pertaining to our 2012 Theses. This gives us an ability to more closely examine others work and give more productive, more well thought-out feedback. SVA students can join once they are added to the blog, and anyone can post feedback! Just contact an Administrator with your gmail/blogspot email to get an invite.

PSSST Pass it on!
Danica Parry